The Best Tutoring Available
No.1 for Good Reason
Staying on top of your child's schoolwork while parenting and working is a recipe for disaster. We can lift that burden from your shoulders by supervising your child's online classroom participation and independent assignments. We monitor, interact, motivate, and nudge when needed to help make sure your child's work is completed and understood.
We have the teachers, materials, and manipulatives to clarify math concepts for your child; from beginning number sense up through the highest levels of college mathematics. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, algebra, geometry, calculus, trigonometry, statistics, and beyond. We'll make it make sense.
From beginning phonics & site-words to in-depth critical thinking skills, the Tutorific reading program is simply the best. We break reading down into specific skills which tie directly to dramatically increased comprehension, fluency, and speed.
We also offer an exceptional 1:1 early reading program, ages 4 & up.
Tutorific has improved the writing ability of thousands of students, from elementary school through professionals. We provide our students with the ability to communicate clearly, objectively, passionately, and descriptively. Simple sentences will evolve into engaging paragraphs. Grammar, punctuation, structure, and spelling will improve. Ideas will come to life.

Our prescriptive method allows us to adapt tasks to your child’s interests and physical abilities. We combine printing with effective small motor coordination and eye-hand coordination exercises/games. Handwriting and printing can be artistic adventures as well as necessary skills. We can help with everything from simple letter printing to calligraphy. Learning to print doesn’t need to be a chore because, at Tutorific, we have dozens of creative approaches.

As dreaded as the multiplication tables, spelling is a perennial least-favorite among students. We quickly give them hope by teaching an understanding of phonics as spelling puzzle-pieces while also making a game out of mastering those tough sight-words that don't follow patterns. We can work with your child's weekly spelling list or - better - use our own logical method of progression tailored to your child's existing ability.
CAHSEE, SAT, PSAT, LSAT, ISEE, COOP, HSPT, TACHS, Nursing, Military, Civil Service Exams. We've got you covered. Unlike cookie-cutter prep classes, we focus on YOUR specific needs and goals. Don't waste time and money. Get the help you need to raise your scores.
Whatever your subject, we can help. From Math 101 through trigonometry, calculus, and statistics. Chemistry, writing, entrance exam prep, and more. We can help you improve your writing skills as it relates directly to your studies.
We help professionals improve their writing & math skills, too.
Proctoring is available for many universities and organizations.
Mix Multiple Subjects within Each Session
Or Focus on a Single One
Core Mathematics
Writing (All Levels)
Small Motor Development
Letter & Number Reversal
Covid-19 Distance Learning Supervision
Homework Support (All Subjects)
Listening & Implementation
Idea Development
Project Supervision
Math & Science
Writing & Vocabulary